Airtel Xstream Fiber - Configuring modem

Airtel has launched fiber based broadband called Airtel Xtream Fiber. AIrtel has provided android based Xtream Fiber app though which Wifi network SSID name and security password can be changed. More advanced settings can be changed through web based interface through Laptop / mobile through this procedure (The procedure is prepared using Nokia G-140W-F Modem, there may be minor changes if make or model is different).

Nokia Modem has two Wifi networks 2.4GHz and 5GHz. Both are by default on and network SSID is same (5GHz has _5G suffix, like if 2.4GHz SSID is Net, 5GHz SSID will be Net_5G)

Enter modem address in web browser, default is

Default username is admin

Default password is admin

It is strongly recommended to change the password from Maintenance > Password.

Now main page of modem will open

Click on Home Networking

Settings for 2.4GHz and 5GHz network can be changed independently from here. Like enabling / disabling network, network visibility, SSID name, transmit power etc.

For making network more secure we can use Mac filtering. For this go to Security > Mac filter.

Before enabling Mac filter, Enter MAC address in the filed and click save one by one for all MAC id of devices to be allowed.all devices will be shown below save button. After entering all MAC ids, check the check box for enabling mac filtering and save. 

MAC filter is separate for 2.4GHz and 5GHz networks. For 2.4GHz it is under SSID-1 and for 5GHz it is under SSID-5 

For detail on MAC filtering based on time click here 
